Sponsorship Opportunities

All sponsorship is annually from time of invoicing and is plus gst

Golf Hole Sponsor - $250.00

Sponsorship includes cost of the sign and is presented at the tee off area in a steel frame on a concrete pad.

Distant Marker Sponsor - S75.00

Sponsorship includes cost of the graphics and is displayed on the coloured distant marker on the hole

Fence Sponsorship - $175.00

Cost includes cost of the sign and is proudly displayed on the fence down the number one hole and is visible from a large part of the course.

Scorecard Sponsorship - $400.00 - SOLD OUT

Your business details are displayed on every scorecard printed approximately 15,000 per annum

Closest to the Pin Sponsor - $200.00 - SOLD OUT

Sponsorship is displayed in all results both on social media and in the local media including radio.

Twilight Golf Sponsor - $250.00

Sponsors will be promoted it every round of twilight and any supplied signage or flags can be displayed on the night, approximately to 120 plus golfers every week

Golf Cart Sponsor - $500.00

Sponsorship includes cost of graphics and is displayed on both sides on the golf cart

Club Clothing Sponsor - $2,000 - SOLD OUT

Sponsorship includes branding of the sleeve of club shirts and is valid for four years

Cart Shed Sponsorship - $500.00

Sponsorship sign displayed on the side of the cart shed 2440mm x 1220mm. Sign costs are extra $550plus gst